Gyanús számomra, hogy be kell hogy vezessem a '
drunk post' címkét. Nem először fordult már elő, hogy mákonyos hangulatban ülök le a gép elé s osztok boldog-boldogtalant. Az viszont mindenképpen elismerésre méltó, hogy ezt legalább angolul teszem, igaz néha kimarad néhány betű. Meg azonfelül a legtöbb esetben igazam van. Akkor, abban a pillanatban.
Hogy a távlatokról ne is essék szó...Szerda reggel, kézbe a zárthelyi eredmény, ötössel lettem gazdagabb. Délután kávé, órára sietés. Majd késhegynyi nyugalom. Ismételten futkorászás. Meglepetés zh. Örömtánc ülve.
Este Garaboncziás.
The Fall - Kerecsen Árpi dobok mögött, Libra Dezső basszuson illetve egy csoporttársam pedig a vokálokért felelt. Old school death metal. Ragozás és polír nélkül.
Another Way - békéscsabai hc. Pigs and frogs vokállal. Tarkómon a szőr észak felé mutatott azonnal, amint elkezdték. Brrr. Ami viszont tény, hogy a dobos nagyon technikás valamint amikor a gitáros nyösztette a hangszerét néhányszor még elismerő mosolyt is csalt az arcomra.
Affliction - brazil csoportosulás. Melodikus death/thrash keverékkel. Nem sokra emlékszem belőlük, ergo nem voltak túl maradandóak.
Csütörtök reggel. Vulkanikus centrifuga, véres agyvelő. Nem szívderítő ilyesmire kelni.
And of course, The Birthday Party.
(analogy can be discovered with H.P.'s piece of work)I could be delirious, however I was not. I would like to get over it as fast as possible. Afternoon I bought Darvasi's book to her, I had a hunch that I would be a great present - after it turned out that I was right -. Right on time of my arrival to the flat, I had found out that my roommates caused some trouble. Well, I told to them: You can draw some conclusions, I presume, so I do not have to nervous or upset because you imitated The Great Flood on the 9th floor. Nevertheless, they had to pay the papering of the walls for a chap who lives exactly beneath us.
Than I left to Kuci. She is a friend of mine, she shewed the hat and did a great job! It was our present to Zsuzsi. (Mine, hers, Pötty - Kuci's boyfriend, Choofie & Mara)
I fulminated to Kuci that I was full of doubts about this evening. It could not be written better if someone was an absurd author. After our arrival, I crotched all the time and played the pusillanimous lad to avoid the glances of pries. However, the day was saved by a puppet called Beqr.

Here it is! He is not keen to talk.
I was not in the mood of chitchat. I did my best not to appear as a Grinch. We did talk about films, we watched some horrible Ossian clips and Susogós Mackók clips. Around half past ten we gave the present. Her timbre vanished immediately when she learnt what was in the box. She started weeping. During this I felt awkward and abject. I realised I reached my aim, still I felt no bliss or satisfaction. I smirked for a while waiting what would she going to say. She put it on.
She sobbed more than we hugged her.
I closed my eyes and ears not paying attention what was happening around me. It popped into my mind derisively that it was like a playhouse. Everybody was debauchering around me and I had a role of the ogling person.
This is the story of my life.Most of them became bloody drunk. I was left with the laptop so I did not pay much attention to this huddle around me. This strategy prevented almost everything but I realised that what I seen and heard was more than enough.
She did not raise commotion in me. Odd, however, that if I had not gone on Wednesday and had not done the frontal attack on Monday I still would have been a happy person. Poor bloke!I believe I should return to February as soon as possible and carry on where I dropped the line.
Thank you for your attention, it is appreciated!