Manuel runs out of the building.
- Mr. Fawlty, Mr. Fawlty telephone!
Mr. Fawlty looks up.
- What?
- Tele-, telephone!
- Where's Sybil?
- Qué?

- Where's S-y-b-i-l?
- Where's civil?
- I don't pay bills. Where's my wife?
- She not here!
- She is there!
Manuel confused.
- Nevermind, alright leave to me, I'll do it!
Manuel tries to navigate him.
- This way!
- Yes, I know this way, I own the place.
Sybil enters, answers the phone.
- Hello, Fawlty Towers! André, thank you for calling. Kurt is marvellous!We are absolutely delighted with him. He is wanderful.
Manuel turns around, escapes.
Mr. Fawlty gets Manuel's wrist, takes him to the hall.
- This Basil's wife. Showing Sybil to Manuel.
- This Basil. Introduces himself.
- This, is smack on a head.
Manuel nods.
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