2011. augusztus 19., péntek

To Whom it may concern

Quite honestly, it was never my intention to do away with this blog. The name itself grew on me, the stories that I may have forgotten now light has to be shed on them to figure out what was the original meaning.
The triggering event faded away, still I decided to remove my laments over the matters of life and most of my visitors may not give a fig whether I draw my eternal breath or not.
This is besides the point, what is important is the following I will carry on my writings about films, music, series and book.

Have a nice day!

Ps.: I have opened another blog for that matter, ask after it in comments! See you around. Before I forget I have to remind myself that there is a post, that has been recently updated so to say. Enjoy!

1 megjegyzés:

Mercury írta...

I'd like to ask after the "another blog" :)