2009. december 10., csütörtök

Fox met foxes - Sally's adventures in the Final Party

I woke up at 9 :30//Thinking I had already missed//The daylight

Az egész ott kezdődött, hogy négy órakor kikecmeregtem az ágyból s hozzáláttam a megírni a beadandókat. Tizenegyre végeztem, majd gyors ebédmelegítés és azt követő mosogatás után összerámoltam a dolgaimat a hátizsákba s nekiindultam a -jobb esetben - fél órás útnak. A könyvtárban nehezen tudtam letenni a magammal hozott poggyászt, néhány perc kóválygás után azonban csak akadt egy szabad szekrény. Visszavittem s ki is vettem könyvet.

Izgágán futottam Modern Magyarra. Nem figyeltem teljes erőbedobással, hogy miről folyik éppen az előadás, pótolnom kellett még a referátumomba. Pinteres órán tökéletesen meg voltam arról győződve, hogy leszerepeltem, a végső levonásnál meglepődtem, mert összejött egy jó jegy.

Kucival összefutva kibaktattunk a karácsonyi vásárba. Elidőztünk mindkét helyen többedmagunkkal.

Később tisztálkodás, majd szakest. And now for something completely different.

I arrived late, however, this deed did not cause any trouble to the security guards and let me in.
I checked the end of the performances and to my great astonishment, Ági walked in. She told me that she had few drops earlier, funny I did not notice that. I got a VBK and sat down.

After I had my glass emptied, a chap came around and said if we would like to join in the back just follow him. Well, alright! We continued our conversation, Ági started to talk about Karinthy. It seemed a bit odd because none of my acquaintances appreciate him as I do. In a nut shell, it was a suprise even to me.

We moved in, I sat next to a girl whose eyes were closed. I tried to be nice and started to chat with her, regardless of the fact that she did not answer any of my question. After a while I got enought, but soon she said: "I'm gonna vomit!" And she did so. Charming expectations for a night...
She puked I hold back her hair.
Would somebody be so kind to bring us a bucket? - I inquiried. No response. Now I said it louder than someone brought us a case.
It would be pointless to narrate how she spewed for an hour and a half. After more than an hour I fed up with the situtation and decided to go home. We could not leave her there, but she was unable to speak and even to mumble. We carried her out, she stopped us she had something left in her tummy. We rushed into the Boys' Lavatory. We left the club, she got better and started an endless chat. I mentioned I got three litres of wein, some of our companions were still thirsty thus I thought it would be a good idea to drop by my flat. We took the elevator upstairs. I opened one bottle of white wine and had a great time. All of them slept there on the floor. I had only two or three hour sleep before they woke up claiming where the heck are we?

It was a pleasure in some way, but next time I definitely not going to invite drunk pillocks to my room.

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